Web SDK - ITouchPenPointerInfo

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ITouchPenPointerInfo interface

Information common to touch and pen events. This is a subset of: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/ns-winuser-pointer\_info


export interface ITouchPenPointerInfo 


frameIdnumberAn incrementing number that is the same for all updates that happened in the same frame.
pointerFlagsWindowsPointerFlagsA terrifying enum: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/inputmsg/pointer-flags-contants
pointerIdnumberAn identifier that uniquely identifies a pointer during its lifetime. A pointer comes into existence when it is first detected and ends its existence when it goes out of detection range. Note that if a physical entity (finger or pen) goes out of detection range and then returns to be detected again, it is treated as a new pointer and may be assigned a new pointer identifier.
xnumberThe x screen coordinate of the pointer, in pixels.
ynumberThe y screen coordinate of the pointer, in pixels.