.NET SDK - Error

Error enumeration

Rainway SDK error codes

public enum Error


Success0Indicates a successful operation
Failure1Indicates a failed operation
PeerNotCapableOfAppIsolation2Indicates a peer is not capable of using app isolation
InvalidParameter3An invalid argument was provided to one of the call's parameters.
NoSuchStream4There is no active stream with the given Stream ID.
NotByofb5The Stream ID provided is not a BYOFB stream.
ByofbNotReady6The underlying session of a BYOFB stream is not ready.
NoEncoderVariant7No encoder is available to stream with.
InvalidTextureFormat8The submitted video frame data is in an invalid format.
InvalidCallback9The callback provides is invalid.
NotInitialized10The SDK has not been initialized.
NoSuchPeer11There is no active peer with the given Peer ID.
NoSuchConnection12There is no active connection with the given ID.
BufferTooSmall13The input buffer is too small for the data. Please allocate a larger structure.

See Also