Rainway.SDK assembly
Rainway.SDK namespace
public type | description |
enum ButtonAction | An action (down or up) on a mouse button. |
class DataChannel | A data channel from our device to another Peer on the Rainway Network. |
enum DataChannelMode | Data channel reliability mode. |
enum Error | Rainway SDK error codes |
class InputBody | The body of an input event. |
[Flags] enum InputLevel | Input level permissions granted. These are composable bitflags. |
enum InputTag | Tag indicating the type of input. |
enum KeyboardAction | An action (down or up) on a keyboard button. |
class LogBody | The body of a log. |
enum LogLevel | Rainway SDK log levels |
enum MouseButton | A button on the mouse. This is not a flags enum. |
class OutboundStream | An outbound stream from our device to another Peer on the Rainway Network. |
class Peer | An object representing a connection to a remote Rainway peer. |
enum PeerState | The connectivity state of a peer |
[Flags] enum PenFlags | Flags indicating the state of a pen input device. |
[Flags] enum PenMask | Flags indicating which data is valid on a pen input. |
class RainwayConnection | A connection to the Rainway network over which peer connection requests are transmitted. |
static class RainwaySDK | Entrypoint and native library facilities for the Rainway SDK. |
enum RainwayVirtualKey | A virtual key. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/inputdev/virtual-key-codes |
enum ResolutionStrategy | Determines how the display resolution is set at the start of the stream. |
enum ScrollAxis | An axis scrolled on. |
enum StreamType | A type of stream |
[Flags] enum XInputButtons | A bitflag enum of gamepad buttons. |
Rainway.SDK.BYOFB namespace
public type | description |
class AudioMetadata | Metadata describing an audio buffer. |
class D3D11Texture2D | Transparent type that represents a pointer to a D3D11Texture2D texture. |
class FloatAudioBuffer | Float audio buffer. |
static class OutboundStreamExtensions | BYOFB extensions for OutboundStream . |
class PCMAudioBuffer | PCM audio buffer. |
Rainway.SDK.Events namespace
public type | description |
abstract class BaseEvent<TManaged> | The base event type. |
abstract class BaseRequestEvent<TAcceptedOptions,TAccepted> | The base request event type. |
class CloseEvent | An event that occurs when something is closed. |
class DataChannelEvent | An event that occurs when a DataChannel is created. |
delegate EventHandler<TEventArgs> | A typed event handler, with no sender |
delegate EventHandler<TSender,TEventArgs> | A typed event handler |
class InputEvent | An event that occurs when input arrives for a given OutboundStream . |
class LogEvent | An event that occurs when the RainwaySDK logs data. |
abstract class MessageEvent | An event that occurs when a DataChannel gets a message. |
class MessageEventRequest | A MessageEvent that expects a response. |
class MessageEventStandalone | A MessageEvent that does not expect a response. |
class PeerJoinEvent | An event that occurs when a Peer joins a OutboundStream . |
class PeerLeaveEvent | An event that occurs when a Peer leaves a OutboundStream . |
class PeerRequestEvent | An event that occurs when a remote peer requests to connect. |
class PeerStateChangeEvent | An event that occurs when a Peer changes PeerState . |
class StreamRequestEvent | An event that occurs when a remote peer requests an OutboundStream . |
Rainway.SDK.Identifiers namespace
public type | description |
class DataChannelId | Transparent type that represents a data channel identifier. Equivalent to String. |
class PeerId | Transparent type that represents a peer identifier. Equivalent to Int64. |
class StreamId | Transparent type that represents a stream identifier. Equivalent to Byte. |
Rainway.SDK.Interop namespace
public type | description |
class InvocationException | Raised when an FFI invocation fails. |
Rainway.SDK.Options namespace
public type | description |
class ConnectOptions | Options for connecting to the Rainway Network. |
class DataChannelOptions | Options for creating a data channel. |
class OutboundStreamOptions | Options for creating an outbound stream. |
class PeerConnectOptions | Options for connecting to a remote peer on the Rainway Network. |
class PeerOptions | Options for configuring a Peer. |