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Node.js SDK - IPenAbsolute

Home > rainway-sdk-native > IPenAbsolute

IPenAbsolute interface

A request to perform a remote absolute pen movement. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/ns-winuser-pointer\_pen\_info


export interface IPenAbsolute 


pressurenumberA pen pressure normalized to a range between 0 and 1024. The default is 0 if the device does not report pressure.
rotationnumberA pointer orientation, with a value between 0 and 359, where 0 indicates a touch pointer aligned with the x-axis and pointing from left to right; increasing values indicate degrees of rotation in the clockwise direction.This field defaults to 0 if the device does not report orientation.
tiltXnumberThe angle of tilt of the pointer along the x-axis in a range of -90 to +90, with a positive value indicating a tilt to the right. The default is 0.
tiltYnumberThe angle of tilt of the pointer along the y-axis in a range of -90 to +90, with a positive value indicating a tilt toward the user. The default is 0.