Web SDK - Cursor

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Cursor interface

A structure which represents a remote cursor.


export interface Cursor 


extentHeightnumberThe height of the desktop the cursor is active on.
extentWidthnumberThe width of the desktop the cursor is active on.
hasPointerImagebooleanIndicates where the incoming cursor information contains a bitmap
pointerImageArrayBufferA pointer bitmap image (say, a PNG file).
shapeHeightnumberHeight in pixels of the video frame which should correspond to the desktop size.
shapeWidthnumberWidth in pixels of the video frame which should correspond to the desktop size.
spotXnumberThe “spot” coordinates are the pixel in this image that acts as the interaction point of the cursor.
spotYnumberThe “spot” coordinates are the pixel in this image that acts as the interaction point of the cursor.
visiblebooleanThe current visibility of the remote cursor.
xnumberWidth in pixels of the video frame which should correspond to the desktop size.
ynumberHeight in pixels of the video frame which should correspond to the desktop size.